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The Beginning: Why Start A Blog and The Introduction

 After watching from afar so many of my friends, people I admire, and even my sister start setting up a blog, I knew I had to at least give it a try. I mean, after all, I love to read and write, so this should be easy, right? Well, maybe the writing the blog posts and posting would be, but nothing much else.  But the real push for me, or I guess push es since there were two things, was a post I saw on GoodReads, and yet another failed trial product for me. And I thought, people should know about these things. People should at least have the information at their fingertips in case they decide to look it up. And so, The Malmal Experience was born.  The product in question was Curology. Although, to be honest, it could have been many other products before it. But Curology was the one I finally decided people had to know about. I'll be going in-to-depth about Curology and my experience on a separate post, but, essentially, I was mad. But mostly mad, because influencers had lied to me a

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